Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

Student Affairs

AA/Equal Opportunity Office

AA/Equal Opportunity Office Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status or gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other areas of the University is illegal. The Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity is responsible for compliance with the letter and spirit of these laws and with University policies and diversity goals. Areas of particular concern are: prevention of sexual harassment, reasonable accommodations for persons with qualified disabilities, and fairness in hiring. Complaints of discrimination or discriminatory harassment should be brought to the attention of the Equal Opportunity Office, located within the University Services Office, Preble Hall, 207.949.0993. If you have questions this office provides general information and handles complaints.

Academic Support

Professional staff members meet with individual students to help them assess their learning styles, to develop goals for their academic programs, and to assist them in implementing strategies that will maximize their performance. In addition to study skills and time management strategies, staff members work with students to problem-solve around specific academic issues and help students identify services that will help them in achieving their goals.

University Experience

The first semester of college represents a significant transition for many students. The goal of the University Experience (UNV 101 ) class is to assist students with this transition. UNV 101 creates a safe environment; fosters a sense of belonging; experientially engages students in curricular and co-curricular life; clarifies University expectations and encourages students to envision their purpose and direction in life. Students will also be introduced to resources such as the Center for Innovative Learning (CIL), the Writing Center, Library, Health Services, Counseling and Career Services, student clubs and organizations, and resources that will enhance their college experience. Finally, University policies and procedures related to advising, registration, and academic standing will be explained.

Students with Disabilities

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Disability Services assists students with physical, psychological, and learning disabilities in fulfilling the fundamental requirements of the curriculum by accessing reasonable accommodations to ensure that they have equal access to educational opportunities at the University. Students wishing to request accommodations should meet with the Director of Student Support Services at the beginning of each semester to review their documentation and discuss their courses. The University requires that a copy of a recent assessment, completed by an appropriate service provider, be on file with Disability Services. The assessment should include recommendations made by the service provider. All information related to disabilities will remain confidential.

Tutoring Services

The Tutoring Center provides peer tutoring in all courses, including math, science, reading and writing. Professional tutoring is also available in math and science. These services are available to all UMPI students.

Writing Center

The UMPI Writing Center offers one-on-one tutoring for writers at all levels of coursework on all types of writing projects, from first-year composition essays to senior theses, from biology book reviews to personal statements for graduate school applications. Our peer tutors are trained to assist students at all stages of the writing process, from brainstorming a topic through revising a completed paper. The Writing Center’s mission is to help writers develop skills and strategies that will help them not only with one paper, but with future writing.

Career Services

The Office of Career Readiness offers assistance to students in defining their career goals and promoting effective career planning skills. The office also assists students with resumes, secures experiential career learning activities such as internships or service learning activity placements, offers job search strategies, facilitates contacts between students and prospective employers, and provides resource information. UMPI offers degree-seeking students access to an online job board called UMPI CareerLink as a job search tool. Career readiness events and skill-building activities are sponsored by the office throughout the year. The office additionally provides assistance to students who are interested in gaining part-time and summer employment.

Counseling Services

The Counseling Services Office offers free confidential counseling for anyone troubled by specific problems or general concerns. Typical concerns include, but are not limited to: stress management, adjustment to college, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, family and relationship problems, substance abuse, sexuality, sexual orientation, and cultural issues. The professional staff is committed to providing a comprehensive, quality service that addresses the various needs of our diverse student body.

The mission of Counseling Services is to support the intellectual, emotional, social, and cultural development of students in a multicultural environment. Counseling Services offer a wide range of services that include individual counseling, crisis management, psycho-educational workshops and programs, a resource and referral service, and consultation to student groups, faculty and the college community. All services are free to UMPI students regardless of in-person or virtual class type and information is confidential with the exceptions of threats of self-harm or harm to others.

Appointments can be made at any time by either emailing the counseling office at or by calling the Emerson Annex at 207-768-9587.

Health Insurance

University policy requires that all students enrolled in nine or more credits per semester must carry health insurance. In order to comply with this requirement, UMPI makes available a comprehensive Student Health Insurance Plan to all students enrolled in the University. This plan is designed to provide protection against unexpected expenses for an accident or illness. Only those students with comparable coverage can be exempted from the University health insurance policy. Information on the procedure for providing proof of comparable insurance and waiving the University policy can be obtained from the billing office.

Health Services

The Student Health Center is located in the Emerson Hall Annex and provides students with a range of on-campus professional medical services. A registered nurse practitioner holds regular office hours Monday through Friday during the semester. Northern Light A.R. Gould is only a short distance from the campus. It is an accredited hospital and offers complete medical care services. Air ambulance is available when necessary.


Maine State Required Immunization Compliance


Based on Maine law, students are required to be immunized against certain diseases and submit official immunization records prior to attending classes, or participation in University activities. 

Immunization records must indicate the date of immunization and the immunization agent, and are REQUIRED to be signed or stamped by a physician, nurse, public health official, or school health provider who administered the immunization. Official school or military health records may also be accepted as proof of immunization, as long as they were based on certificates of immunization, and state, at a minimum, the month and year that the immunization was administered. Please use this link to upload your immunization records: UMS Immunization Portal Instructions for submitting Immunization records to meet state required Immunizations can be found on the UMS ITS Website:Student Guide

Maine Law requires all degree-seeking students and full-time, non-degree students born after December 31, 1956 to provide proof of the following immunizations:

  • One (1) dose of Tetanus/Diphtheria (Td or Tdap) received within the last ten (10) years.
  • Two (2) doses of Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) received after (not on) the first birthday. If measles immunization was done prior to 1968, students must provide proof it was done with a live virus.

Lab results of titer tests showing immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella are accepted as long as they are signed or stamped and clearly indicate immunity to all three diseases.

*Per Maine law, a student may only be exempted from the University’s Tdap and MMR immunization requirements if the student:

1.   Provides a written statement from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant that, in that provider’s judgment, immunization against one or more of the diseases may be medically inadvisable. The UMS Medical Exemption Waiver form can be downloaded from the UMS Immunization Portal 

2.   Is enrolled in a fully remote distance learning program offered by the University and does not physically attend any classes or programs at a facility, campus, center, or site of this University or any other school. Students must contact Health Services to request an exemption for online learning.

*Only students who are enrolled in FULLY Online programs or who have approved medical waivers are exempt from these requirements.

Information Technology

Students are provided with a wide variety of information technology at the Presque Isle Campus. The Department of Information Services manages three computer labs on campus and two at the Houlton Center. Computers are readily accessible at both locations and have convenient open lab hours.

Students use computers for writing, communicating, and research. URSUS - the library’s computerized catalogue, common to all campuses of the University of Maine System - and the Internet provide access to books, periodicals, and information resources from around the world. Students use email for communicating with faculty, other students, friends, and family. Standardized software applications are installed on lab computers. Wireless internet access is provided throughout the campus.

The University is dedicated to keeping computer resources current and students informed about using them. Information Services is committed to Green Campus initiatives and has instituted a printing reduction program to save paper. Each semester students will receive a predefined printing allotment. Charges apply after quota has been reached. Details are available by contacting the IS Office.

UMPI offers Microsoft Office free to students/staff/faculty. You will need to create an account with your address.

International Student Support

UMPI’s Primary Designated School Official (PDSO), located on the first floor of South Hall, provides international students with advice and assistance in meeting immigration requirements both before and after arrival to the United States. The PDSO works as a liaison between students and the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. UMPI also provides cultural advising and personal counseling through the Student Activities office located in the Campus Center. This office serves as a liaison between students and University offices and services.

Intramural Sports, Recreation & Wellness

Opportunities for all students to participate in club sports, intramurals, wellness classes and the fitness center exist through services provided by this office. The intramural program promotes non-varsity athletic competition and allows students to participate in recreational activities in many different areas and offers both co-ed and single-sex options. Intramural activity is an ideal way for students to be involved with the UMPI campus community. The Caroline D. Gentile Health & Physical Education Center offers an array of cardio- vascular devices and free weights for all students, faculty and staff to enjoy.

The Center sponsors a variety of wellness classes to enrich the well-being of our student population.

Motor Vehicle Regulations

All students, faculty, and staff wishing to park vehicles on campus are required to register their vehicles with the Office of Security and Safety. Parking areas are clearly designated and registrants must abide by campus traffic regulations, copies of which may be obtained at the Security and Safety Office located in the Campus Center near Admissions.


Orientation programs are held just prior to the start of the fall and spring terms. The purpose of the orientation program is to ease the transition of new students to the University community. During the fun-filled orientation program, students will learn about academic and cocurricular expectations and responsibilities, develop meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, and fellow students, and identify campus resources and tools that will assist in their academic success and personal growth. The orientation program is designed for new and transfer students and their families.

Residence Life

The Office of Residence Life is dedicated to creating an atmosphere where students can complement their classroom experience with further personal development through out-of-class education. Students are encouraged to meet new people, participate in educational and social programming, share experiences, and get involved in the community. Residents are exposed to civic responsibilities and to expectations of community life. The cooperative effort of each resident student ensures that life in the residence halls is a pleasant learning experience, contributing to both personal and professional growth. Living on campus provides each resident the opportunity to strengthen interpersonal skills and enhance their awareness of differences. The Office of Residence Life provides a safe, clean, and affordable living and learning environment that enhances the total education process. There are four residence halls at the University. As living learning laboratories for the development of interpersonal skills, leadership, and wellness habits the halls are an integral component of the educational experience of students. Living in the halls provides ready access to campus services and programs. All residence halls are equipped for hardwired and wireless internet accessibility.


A primary concern of the University is the safety and security of its people and their possessions. A full-time professional police officer is available throughout the academic year during regular University business hours. A student patrol works during the evening hours throughout the academic year.

Student Conduct

Students at UMPI are expected to adhere to the University of Maine System Conduct Code, which is “designed to promote the peaceful pursuit of intellectual and subsidiary activities at UMPI and to ensure the safety of persons engaging in those pursuits while they are at the University. It is designed to protect the free and peaceful expression of ideas and also to assure the integrity of various academic processes.” The complete code, as approved by the Board of Trustees, is made available to every student, through the university web site at

Student Exchange

National Student Exchange (NSE) and Study Abroad

The National Student Exchange program offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study for up to one year at one of more than 200 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada. To qualify for the program students must have completed 24 credit hours and be studying full time at UMPI prior to the semester of exchange. The application includes recommendations and a personal statement of intent, as well as academic advising and an interview with the program coordinator. All courses taken are approved for credit at UMPI by the student’s academic advisor. Applications for exchange must be received by mid-February in order to qualify for placement for the upcoming academic year. UMPI also partners with U.Maine’s Office of International Programs (OIP) to offer students opportunities to study abroad. 

Student Handbook

The Student Handbook consolidates all the information needed by a student including - but not limited to - University policies, the Student Conduct Code, and local information. The Student Handbook is located at offices/dean-of-students/

Student Support Services Program

The Student Support Services Program provides professional and peer tutoring in math, language arts, science and study skills in general, and peer tutoring in additional subjects; individualized and limited group personal, academic, career and/or financial counseling; and liaison services and academic accommodations for students with disabilities. The services are available to all UMPI degree-seeking students who meet U.S. Department of Education guidelines.

Testing Services

Registration information, for standardized tests (e.g., the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and the PRAXIS Series are available in the Dean of Students Office (Preble Hall) or by calling 207-768-9601. ★