Feb 07, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

General Education

Philosophy of the General Education Curriculum

The University of Maine at Presque Isle faculty has developed the following general education curriculum in accordance with the goals of the University: (1) to provide students with the competencies necessary for academic and professional success; (2) to expose students to multiple methods of gathering and employing knowledge in order to facilitate long-term learning not limited to a single discipline; (3) to prepare students to think critically and formulate effective responses to a broader range of texts, media, circumstances, and institutions, so that they may become active and effective participants in communities both local and global. By providing a foundation of information and skills, the General Education Curriculum (GEC) insures that the graduate not only has knowledge of a major field but also the flexibility to think critically and argue persuasively on a range of issues relevant to personal and professional life. Critical and conceptual thinking, sensitivity to the multiplicities of human experience, and acquisition of technical skills are pervasive throughout the educational experience at the University of Maine at Presque Isle.

The GEC, then, is not simply a collection of courses representing different disciplines but rather a set of courses with common, interrelated aims. The GEC synthesizes disciplines to provide a total university experience, producing a liberally educated graduate, regardless of major.

Exemption from GEC

Students entering the University of Maine at Presque Isle as degree seekers who have a completed baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution will receive transfer credit for their previous degree work and will be exempt from meeting the specific requirements of the GEC. This does not exempt them from program requirements; it does exempt them from Placement Testing. Advisors should counsel exempted students to take courses to fill any deficiencies in their general education relevant to their career or future citizenship.

Students who have completed the ‘General Education Block’ at another UMS institution at the time they transfer to UMPI will be considered to have met all the requirements of the UMPI General Education Curriculum. This also applies to students who have completed the ‘General Education Transfer Block’ at a Maine Community College System institution.

University Experience

This course is designed to promote a successful transition to the University of Maine at Presque Isle. UNV 101 creates a safe environment; fosters a sense of belonging; experientially engages students in curricular and co-curricular life; clarifies University expectations and encourages students to envision their purpose and direction in life.

UNV 101 is required of all incoming students unless the student has earned an Associate degree or successfully completed 30 credits from a regionally accredited college or university.

GEC Requirements for Specific Programs

Please refer to the academic program for specific course requirements or recommendations regarding the core GEC. Certain degree requirements may be met by informed choices within the GEC. Students should consult with their advisors to make the best choices for their needs and goals. Students changing majors may be advised to enroll for additional courses from the GEC to satisfy their new program requirements.

Course Designators

AGR Agricultural Science & Agribusiness
ASL American Sign Language
ANT Anthropology
BIO Biology
BUS Business
CHI Chinese
CHY Chemistry
COM Communication
COS Computer Science/Cybersecurity
CRJ Criminal Justice
DEI Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
ECE Early Childhood Education
ECO Economics
ECY Ecology
EDU Education
ENG English
ENV Environmental Science & Sustainability
EXS Exercise Science
FRE French
GEO Geography
GEY Geology
HEA Health Administration
HON Honors
HPR Health, Physical Education & Recreation
HTY History
MAT Mathematics
MLT Medical Laboratory Technology
NUR Nursing
PCJ Professional Comm. & Journalism
PHE Physical Education
PHI Philosophy
PHY Physics
POS Political Science
PSY Psychology
PTA Physical Therapist Assistant
REC Recreation/Leisure Services
RUS Russian
SCI Science
SED Special Education
SOC Sociology
SPA Spanish
SWK Social Work
UNV University Experience
WAB Wabanaki
WST Women’s Studies