Mar 31, 2025  
2024-2025 University Catalog 
2024-2025 University Catalog

Financial Information

Estimated Cost of Attendance

2024-2025 Tuition, Fees, Room & Board

Annual cost based on a typical full-time load of 30 credit hours per year. Other fees may apply for students in certain majors or classes.

Charge Maine Resident Canadian Resident/ New England Regional Non-Resident/ Out-of-State
Tuition $7,560 $7,560 $12,870
Mandatory Fees $1,475 $1,475 $1,475
Room and Board $10,300 $10,300 $10,300
Books and Supplies1 $1000 $1000 $1000
Miscellaneous1 $1100 $1100 $1100
Travel1 $1350 $1350 $1350
Student Health Insurance2 See below See below See below
Yearly Total $20,190 $20,190 $25,470

1 The cost for books and supplies is an estimate. Your costs may vary.



Upon acceptance, all students are required to pay an advance tuition deposit. The advance deposit is credited to the student’s account and is applied as a payment toward the student’s first-semester bill. Advance Tuition deposits are not refundable after May 1 (January 1 for Spring semester).

Residency Guidelines

There are many factors which will be considered in determining eligibility for in-state tuition. No one factor can be used to establish eligibility, rather all factors and circumstances must be considered on a case-by-case basis. A residency classification assigned by a public or private authority (such as an income tax return or driver’s license) neither qualifies nor disqualifies a student for UMS in-state status.

A student applying for admission to a degree program is classified as eligible, or not eligible, for in-state tuition at the time of acceptance to the University. A non-matriculated (non-degree) student is classified as eligible, or not eligible, for in-state tuition at the time of registration.

To be eligible for in-state tuition the student must meet University guidelines before such registration. Students will hold the same residency status across all University of Maine System campuses.

If the student is enrolled full-time in an academic program, as defined by the University, it will be presumed that the student is in Maine for educational purposes. A residence established for the purpose of attending a UMS campus shall not by itself constitute eligibility for in-state tuition. The burden will be on the student to prove that he or she has established a Maine residence for other than educational purposes.

In general, the following criteria will be used to determine residency:

  1. An individual who has lived in the State of Maine, for other than educational purposes, 12 consecutive months (one year) prior to the first day of classes of the term for which Maine residency is sought or the student’s application to the University is considered an in-state student.
  2. A student who is dependent on his/her parent(s) and/or legally appointed guardian (or to whom custody is granted by court order) is considered to have residence with the parent(s) for tuition purposes. The parent’s state of residence for the prior year will be considered the student’s State of residence.A student of parents legally separated, divorced or living apart may be granted in-state status if either parent is a legal resident of Maine for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the first day of classes of the term for which residency is sought, and has contributed more than 50 percent of financial support during that time. Verification of the student’s dependent status or the parent’s contribution of financial support must be documented (custody, support, guardianship decrees or agreements, etc.)
  3. A student will be considered in-state for tuition purposes if they are the spouse or domestic partner of an individual who currently has in-state residency status or continuous, permanent full-time employment in Maine and their employment began at least 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes of the term for which residency is sought. Students seeking in-state tuition based on a domestic partnership relationship must submit an approved Affidavit of Domestic Partnership.
  4. A current member of the United States Armed Forces or a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces who has been honorably discharged will be billed at the in-state (Maine resident) tuition rate. Veterans must supply a DD214 showing an honorable discharge, Certificate of eligibility for GI bill, or Military ID card. Active duty members can supply a copy of their Military ID card or travel orders.All dependents using a VA educational benefits are billed at the in-state (Maine resident) tuition rate.
  5. Regular employees of any University of Maine System campus will be billed at the in-state rate. Dependents of such employees will also be extended the in-state status.
  6. Non Maine Residents working for Maine employers where the employer is paying the student’s charges will be given in-state status during the period of time they are covered by their Maine employer.
  7. High school students attending a private boarding school; who would normally be classified as out-of-state or international; will be billed at the in-state rate for the duration they are enrolled in high school.
  8. In-state tuition is not available to anyone who holds a non-immigrant U.S. visa. If an individual is not a resident of the United States, they cannot be a resident of the State of Maine.
  9. A non-U.S. citizen who is a permanent resident of the United States, or who has received conditional permanent U.S. residency, or who can document they have applied for U.S. permanent residency, is eligible for Maine residency for tuition purposes provided that he/she meets the same requirements for establishing residency in Maine as are required of a United States citizen.
  10. A non-U.S. citizen who has refugee status and was resettled in Maine after arriving in the United States is considered a Maine resident for tuition purposes.
  11. A non-U.S. citizen who has refugee status and was first resettled in a U.S. state other than Maine is eligible for Maine residency for tuition purposes provided that he/she meets the same requirements for establishing residency in Maine as are required of a United States citizen.
  12. A non-U.S. citizen who is an asylum seeker is eligible for Maine residency for tuition purposes, provided that he/she can document his/her application for asylum and meets the same requirements for establishing residency in Maine as are required of a United States citizen.
  13. A non-U.S. citizen who has been granted asylum in the United States is eligible for Maine residency for tuition purposes provided that he/she meets the same requirements for establishing residency in Maine as are required of a United States citizen.
  14. All non-U.S. citizens applying for Maine residency for tuition purposes must provide appropriate documentation related to residency and verify their status with the Department of Homeland Security. This documentation is not part of the admissions process.
  15. A student who attended an out-of-state educational institution at in-state tuition rates in the immediately preceding semester, shall be presumed to be in Maine for educational purposes and not to establish permanent residency. Normally such students must wait one year before attaining in-state status. Again, the burden will be on the individual to prove that he or she is residing in Maine for other than educational purposes.

To change tuition residence status, the following procedures are to be followed:

A “Request for Change in Tuition Status” must be filed with the UMS Residency Appeals Committee on or before the first day of classes for the summer session, fall or spring semester for which residency is requested. Applications may not be retroactive.

B. The UMS Residency Appeals Committee shall issue a written decision within 30 days.

C. The student may appeal the decision of the Committee in writing within 30 days to Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration.

D. The Vice-Chancellor will issue a final decision within 30 days

In the event that the campus Chief Business Officer, or other designated official, possesses facts or information indicating a student’s change of status from in-state to out-of-state, the student shall be informed in writing of the potential change in status and will be given an opportunity with specified dates of response to present facts in opposition to the change, prior to the change becoming effective.. The student may appeal the decision of the Chief Business Officer or other designated official as set forth in the preceding paragraph.

Financial Responsibility

All accounts are in the student’s name, regardless of the source of payment. The University expects the student to be financially responsible. Bills and statements are mailed to the student, not the parent. All charges are payable in full by the due date on the invoice. Late Payment fees may be applied to past-due accounts.

Payment Methods

Payments may be made in cash, personal checks, bank checks, and money orders. Students can pay their bill via their student center with credit cards issued by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express ($2.85 convenience fee applies - $3 minimum). No fees incurred for electronic check payments (ACH).

Installment Payment Plans

Each semester, the University provides an option to pay a semester bill in five monthly installments. The Fall semester payments are payable in August through December. The Spring semester payments are payable in January through May. Students or parents electing the payment plan option must enroll with the University’s Business Office. Each semester, an enrollment form and instructions are included with the student’s first bill. No formal payment plans are available for the Summer session, however, the University does make payment arrangements with students on an individual basis.

Financially Delinquent Accounts

Financially delinquent students will be subject to the following administrative sanctions:

  • They are prevented from receiving an official certified copy or unofficial copy of their transcript and diploma.
  • They are prevented from registration or pre-registration at any university in the University of Maine System.
  • The University may disclose (directly or through its collection agencies) to a credit bureau organization that the student has failed to pay an assessed charge.
  • The University may use in-house collection efforts, commercial firms, legal services, and the State of Maine Bureau of Taxation for collection on the accounts.

Student Financial Appeal

The following is an appeal process for students who dispute financial claims by the University; i.e., tuition, fees, room and board, etc.

  1. Students should submit a written statement to the University Business Office stating the amount and nature of the disagreement and why he or she feels the charge is incorrect.
  2. Students should submit their written appeal within thirty (30) days of the initial billing of a disputed charge. The Business Office should respond in writing to the student’s complaint within 30 days of the receipt of the appeal.
  3. If the Business Office’s decision is considered incorrect by the student, the student may appeal that decision (within 30 days) in the following order:
    1. To the Chief Financial Officer.
    2. To the President of the University whose decision shall be final.

Tuition & Fees Schedule: 2024-2025

Description Applies to: Charge Basis Amount Per Semester (Based on 15 credit hours.) Annual (Based on 15 credits per semester)
Maine Resident Tuition All classes Per credit hr. $260.00 $3,900.00 $7,800.00
Canadian Resident/New England Regional Tuition All classes Per credit hr. $260.00 $3.900.00 $7,800.00
Non-Resident Tuition All classes Per credit hr. $442.00 $6,630.00 $13,260.00
Student Activity Fee:
Mandatory fee charged to all students who have courses based at the Presque Isle campus. All of the funds generated by the Student Activity fee are administered by the student government. The revenue generated is used to fund educational, cultural, social, and recreational activities. This fee allows students to attend University sponsored activities free or at a reduced rate. Activities include speakers, performances, dances, etc.
Total credit hour load for students enrolled in at least one UMPI campus on-site class 7 or more credit hours $88.00 $88.00 $176.00
Less than 7 credit hours $44.00 $44.00 $88.00
Unified Fee:
Mandatory fee charged to all students. This fee is used to cover fixed costs of providing educational services that may not be directly related to the number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled. This fee supports activities such as student services, the operation of facilities, and instruction-related technologies.
UMPI campus classes Per credit hr. $34.00 $510.00 $1020.00
Athletic Fee:
Mandatory fee charged to all students who have courses based at the Presque Isle campus. All of the funds generated by the Athletic fee are administered by the student government. The revenue generated is used to support UMPI’s athletic program.
Total credit hour load for students enrolled in at least 1 UMPI campus on-site class 10 or more credit hours $22.50 $22.50 $45.00
Less than 10 credit hours $11.25 $11.25 $22.50
Course and Laboratory Fees:
Some specialized courses have mandatory course or laboratory fees. These fees can range from $10.00 to $200.00.
Some courses may have an additional course or lab fee Per class Variable Variable Variable
Technology Fee   Per credit hr. $12.00 $180.00 $360.00

YourPace Program

Description Charge Basis Amount Annual
YourPace Undergraduate Per 8 Week Session (2 Sessions per semester) $1,700.00 $10,200.00
YourPace Graduate (Masters of Arts in Organizational Leadership) Per 8 Week Session (2 Sessions per semester) $2,350.00 $14,100.00

Room & Board

Description Charge Basis Options Amount Annual
Room Per Semester Double/Single (Medical) $2,730.00 $5,460.00
Single room $3525.00 $7050.00

Meal Plan1

1 A meal plan is required for students residing in on-campus housing  (Emerson, Park, or Merriman Halls)

Per Semester Unlimited dining with +$250.00 declining balance dollars $2,625.00


Other Fees

Description Applies to: Charge Basis Amount
Application Fee:
A non-refundable mandatory fee charged to students applying for admission into a degree program.
Admission Applicants Per application $0.00
Installment Plan Fee:
A fee charged to students who elect to pay University charges using a payment plan.
Payment Plans Per payment plan $30.00
Insufficient Funds Fee:
Charged when a check is returned for insufficient funds.
Returned “non-negotiable” checks Per occurrence $25.00
Late Payment Fee:
Charged to students whose University bill is past due.
Past due tuition & fee accounts Monthly $25.00
Parking Fee:
Vehicles that will be parked at any time on the UMPI campus are required to be registered with the campus Security & Safety Office.
A student wishing to park a vehicle on campus Annual $15.00
Personalized Learning Assessment Fee:
A one-time fee is charged to students in the Education and Social Work programs only for assessment purposes and for an electronic portfolio of students’ work.
New matriculated students One-time $139.00
Parking Violation Fee Those who park on campus One-time $25.00

Books & Supplies

Students are responsible for the purchase of books and supplies. They are not part of the university bill. For a full-time student, enrolled for 12 - 15 credit hours, the cost of books is approximately $900.00 per year.

Refund & Credit Policy

Student charges will be adjusted for voluntary withdrawals from the University and for drops or withdrawals from individual classes in accordance with the schedule and provisions set forth below.

For refunds/charge credit purposes, the following definitions apply:

  • “Standard” full semester classes are classes which are scheduled to start during the first week of a semester and meet through the end of that semester.
  • “Non-standard” classes are classes whose starting and ending dates do not coincide with the starting and ending dates of the Fall or Spring semester. These classes fall into two groups:
    1. Classes with duration of less than 12 weeks in length.
    2. Classes with duration of 12 weeks or longer.
  • The “Drop” period is the time frame a student may drop classes from their schedule without academic or financial penalties.
  • Dropping classes is a reduction in a student’s class load during the Drop period while remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine campuses.
  • Withdrawing from classes is a reduction in a student’s class load after the Drop period while remaining enrolled in other classes at any of the University of Maine System campuses.
  • A “Withdrawal from the University”, either temporary or permanent, involves the student withdrawing from all classes at all University of Maine System campuses for which he/she is registered, as well as notifying appropriate administrative officials of his/her decision to leave.
  • Students who cease attendance, in any or all of their classes, without providing official written notification, are not entitled to a refund. If a student ceases attendance for emergency reasons, the University will accept a written appeal.

Tuition & Fees Refund/Credit Schedule

For Withdrawals from the University:

“Standard” Full Semester classes and “Non-Standard” classes of 12 weeks or more:

Withdrawal Date % of Refund
Prior to the end of the second week 100%
Prior to the end of the fourth week 75%
Prior to the end of the sixth week 50%
Prior to the end of the eighth week 25%
After the eighth week 0%

“Non-Standard” Short Classes - classes of less than 12 weeks in length:

Withdrawal Date % of Refund
Withdrawal on or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. For example, for a 6-week course, a refund will be granted through the 6th day. 100%
After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. 0%

For Dropped Classes:

“Standard” Full Semester classes:

Drop Date % of Refund
Prior to the end of the second week 100%
After the second week 0%

“Non-Standard” Classes

Drop Date % of Refund
On or before the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. For example, for a 6-week course, a refund will be granted through the 6th day. 100%
After the number of days equal to the number of weeks a class is scheduled. 0%

Determination of Attendance

  • For “Standard” full semester classes, the attendance period begins on the opening day of scheduled university classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the date the student notifies the Student Advisement Office in writing, that he/she is withdrawing.
  • For “Non-standard” classes, the attendance period begins on the start date of the class as specified on the class schedule of classes, includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the date the student notifies the Student Advisement Office in writing, that he/she is withdrawing.

Room & Board Refund/Credit Schedule

For Room Charges:

Withdrawal Date % of Refund
Prior to the end of the second week 100%

For Board Charges:

Students who withdraw from the university or cancel their Board Contract prior to the end of the semester will be refunded for their meal plan on a prorated basis. All proration for dining service will be calculated based on the coming Saturday of the same week when the change in participation occurs.