2023-2024 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Education Curriculum
Fulfilling the GEC: The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s General Education Curriculum (GEC), consists of 22 learning objectives organized under five General Education Learning Outcomes (GLO’s). To complete the GEC, select at least one course for each objective. Several courses meet more than one objective, but a minimum of 40 distinct hours in the GEC is required.
1. Effective Written & Oral Communication
General Education Learning Outcome: Students will demonstrate effective written and oral communication skills in a variety of contexts. Learning Objective A
Students will be able to write with a clear purpose, point of view, and awareness of audience. Learning Objectives B
Students will engage primary and secondary sources effectively and employ appropriate documentation systems. Learning Objectives C
Students will be able to speak extemporaneously and deliver effective oral presentations with clarity, accuracy and fluency. Learning Objectives D
Students will use written and oral communication as a means to engage in critical inquiry by exploring ideas, challenging assumptions, and reflecting on composing processes. 2. Critical & Creative Thinking
General Education Learning Outcome: Students will construct meaningful arguments, artifacts, and reasoned conclusions reflecting informed evaluations of alternative positions. Learning Objectives A
Students will be able to recognize and analyze problems and arguments. Learning Objectives B
Students will be able to identify general and/or disciplinary-specific modes of inquiry. Learning Objectives C
Students will be able to identify evidence/findings, and evaluate the quality of reasoning behind arguments, interpretations, and/or beliefs, especially those different from their own. Learning Objectives D
Students will be able to produce a tangible expression of creativity. Learning Objectives E
Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the arts and literature, including the analysis and critique of individual works of art, theater, film, music, or literature. 3. Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning
General Education Learning Outcome: Students will interpret, analyze and solve diverse problems incorporating quantitative elements. Learning Objectives A
From a given situation, students will be able to construct a mathematical model which incorporates the important quantitative aspects and makes accurate predictions. Learning Objectives B
Students will be able to perform college-level mathematical operations. Learning Objectives C
Students will demonstrate the ability to be consumers of biological and other scientific information to better inform one’s daily life. Learning Objectives D
Students will be able to describe environmental or physical aspects of the Earth and its abiotic systems, and discuss humankind’s effect on and place within these systems. Learning Objectives E
Students will perform scientific inquiry including aspects of the scientific method, such as observation, hypothesis, experiment, evaluation, and communication. 4. Information Literacy
General Education Learning Outcome: Students will identify and employ the tools and technologies appropriate for identifying, accessing, evaluating, and using information effectively and ethically. Learning Objectives A
Students will capably identify, locate, evaluate, and ethically use information from a variety of sources, including those essential to the college environment and beyond. Learning Objectives B
Students will distinguish between scholarly, professional, and popular sources, effectively assess the quality of the information (e.g., is it current, reliable, legitimate, and pertinent?), and use sources of information according to academic ethical standards. Learning Objectives C
Students will compare and contrast information in order to analyze, synthesize, and create new knowledge. 5. Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness
General Education Learning Outcome: Students shall demonstrate an ethical awareness and understanding of the need to live and work in a diverse world. Learning Objectives A
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the diverse worldviews, power structures, and experiences of multiple cultures in local, regional, and global contexts. Learning Objectives B
Students will be able to contextualize historical sources, identify historical progression, and develop an understanding of their own and other societies in a global and historical context. Learning Objectives C
Students will demonstrate linguistic skills and cultural knowledge. Learning Objectives D
Students will demonstrate knowledge of essential components of moral reasoning and ethical behavior. Learning Objectives E
Students will be able to use their civic knowledge and understanding of social institutions to actively participate in civic life. |