Feb 07, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog 
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Student Responsibility

This catalog and the Student Handbook are the student’s guides to the programs and regulations of the University of Maine at Presque Isle. Students are expected to become familiar with University policies and procedures, and to assume responsibility for abiding by them. Failure to do so does not constitute waiver. Enrollment implies that students understand and accept the obligation to comply with University regulations and procedures and that they will endeavor to meet the academic standards of the University. For specific information consult this catalog and the Student Handbook which is available in the Student Affairs Office and on our website.

  • Attendance/Participation Policy: Individual faculty members determine the attendance policy for each class. The attendance policy is part of each class syllabus. Students are expected to review the class attendance policy during the add/drop period. Students are expected to arrive punctually and to attend all classes. Any necessary absences should be discussed with the professor beforehand whenever possible. Any work missed must be satisfactorily completed. Students who never attend a class or classes in which they are enrolled may be dropped for non-attendance. After the add/drop period, all students leaving a class without officially withdrawing may receive a grade of F or L.
  • Participation Policy for Online Courses: The University expects all students enrolled in online coursework to actively participate in the course. For fully asynchronous courses and for asynchronous elements of hybrid courses, “participation” is defined as the student’s virtual presence for, and participation in discussions, activities, and related forms of electronic contact occurring in a course’s learning environment(s), e.g. participation in online discussion about academic matters, podcast viewing, group writing sessions, whole-class or one-on-one chat, completion of assignments. Broad discretion regarding the required frequency and quality of a student’s participation rests with the instructor of record and should be delineated in the course syllabus.

    Behavior that detracts from the learning environment-including excessive absences or extensive periods of not logging into the class or posting to discussion boards-may result in sanctions including conduct code violations and/or grades of F or L being assigned.

Confidentiality of Student Records

The UMPI Registrar’s Office maintains the official academic record for each student in perpetuity. The office also maintains each student’s accurate mailing address and contacts students regarding official academic actions taken by UMPI. Students should use the Maine Street portal to report any changes of home or mailing address. The University accepts no liability for failure to communicate official academic information or for the inability to contact students in an emergency if up-to-date address information has not been reported to the University or recorded by the student in Maine Street.

UMPI gives each graduate one complimentary official transcript with the diploma. Additional official copies may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office. Current students may obtain an “unofficial” transcript at any time by visiting the Registrar’s Office in person, or by selecting Unofficial Transcript from the drop-down box labeled “other Academic” in the Maine Street Student Center. No partial transcripts are issued.

Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s education records. The law applies to all Universities that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. When a student attends the University, the rights under FERPA belong to the student, regardless of the student’s age. However, there are circumstances under which education records may be disclosed to parents of college students. Nothing in FERPA prevents the University from disclosing personally identifiable information from education records to a parent without the prior written consent of the student if the disclosure meets the conditions of any of the exceptions to the consent requirement, such as a health and safety emergency or if the student is a dependent student for tax purposes.

Students have the right to inspect and review all of the student’s education records maintained by the University. The University must comply with a request for access to records within a reasonable period of time, but not more than 45 days after it has received the request. If the education records of a student contain information on more than one student, the student may inspect and review or be informed of only the specific information about that him/herself. Universities are not required to provide copies of materials in education records unless, for reasons such as great distance, it is impossible for students to inspect the records. Universities may charge a fee for copies.

Students have the right to request that the University correct records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. If the University decides not to amend the record, the eligible student then has the right to a formal hearing. After the hearing, if the University still decides not to amend the record, the eligible student has the right to place a statement with the record commenting on the contested information in the record.

Generally, the University must have written permission from the student before releasing any information from a student’s education record. However, the law allows Universities to disclose information from education records, without the student’s consent, to the following parties:

  • University officials, including contractors, consultants and volunteers, with a legitimate educational interest (which means they need the information to do their work);
  • other Universities to which a student seeks or intends to enroll or where a student is already enrolled;
  • specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • organizations conducting certain studies for the University;
  • accrediting organizations;
  • parents of a dependent student;
  • individuals who have obtained court orders or subpoenas;
  • persons who need to know in cases of health and safety emergencies;
  • state and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law;
  • the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense;
  • to anyone of the final results of a disciplinary proceeding at the University if the University determines that the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the University’s rules or policies;
  • a parent of a student at the University regarding the student’s violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the University, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance;
  • anyone of information regarding registered sex offenders; or,
  • the court in a legal action between the student and the University.

Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by UMPI to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC, 20202-8520.

Directory Information

UMPI has designated certain information contained in the education records of its students as directory information for the purposes of FERPA. Such directory information may be publicly shared by the University without the student’s consent unless the student has taken formal action to restrict its release. Directory information includes: name, date of birth, e-mail address, address, phone number, class level, program of study, dates of attendance, enrollment status (full or part-time), degrees and awards received, most recent previous educational institution attended, participation in sports and activities, and appropriate personal athletic statistical data. Students can request that their directory information not be released at any time while they are an enrolled student at UMPI. Students can sign into the MaineStreet portal and select Student Center, then select Privacy Setting from the drop-down menu. Select either “Do not release any directory information” or “Release all directory information except address,” then click Save in order to restrict release of Directory Information. Students may also request non-disclosure of directory information by contacting the Registrar’s Office.

If a student chooses to have directory information suppressed, UMPI cannot assume responsibility to contact a student for subsequent permission to release this information. Regardless of the effect on a student, UMPI assumes no liability as a result of honoring a student’s instructions that such information be withheld. Requests for non-disclosure will be honored by UMPI until removed, in writing, by the student or by the student updating their privacy settings via the MaineStreet Student Center.

Maine State Immunization Law for Post Secondary Education

Maine State law requires that all students who are enrolled full-time or part-time in a degree program or who are taking at least 12 credits through the Continuing Education Department show proof of immunity to the following infectious diseases: measles (rubeola), rubella (German measles), mumps, tetanus and diphtheria. The University is not allowed to permit any such student to be enrolled or to attend classes without a certificate of immunization or other evidence of immunity. The presentation of acceptable proof of immunization or immunity must be made prior to a students attendance at class or participation in other activities conducted by the University.

Certificate of Immunization

Students must present certification of immunization or proof of immunity which indicate the following:

  1. Diphtheria and tetanus vaccine given within the past 10 years. If a tetanus shot only has been given within the past 5 years, the student may be temporarily exempt from the diphtheria requirement.
  2. Two doses of measles vaccine given after the first birthday with live vaccine. Vaccines given after 1968 use live vaccine. If the vaccine was given before 1968, the type of vaccine must be indicated. “live vaccine” is acceptable. “unspecified vaccine” is unacceptable and the student will need to be re-immunized or show proof of immunity through laboratory bloodwork called a titre.
  3. Two doses of rubella vaccine given after the first birthday,
  4. Two doses of mumps vaccine given after the first birthday.

Proof of Immunity

A photocopy of the following is acceptable as proof of immunity: school immunization/ health record signed by school nurse or physician; immunization record from your physician, nurse practitioner, or physicians assistant or other professional health care provider; U.S. Military immunization record; or, laboratory evidence of immunity (titres) to rubeola, rubella, and mumps if immunization records are not available.

All records must be signed by the physician or nurse who administered the vaccine. Please do not submit original records as immunization records will be kept on file and not returned. Send copies of records to the Admissions Office, 181 Main Street, Presque Isle, me 04769. 207.768.9532.


If you do not have the required immunizations or do not have official records, have your health care provider immunize or re-immunize you prior to coming to campus. Students with medical exemptions from vaccination must present a written reason for exemption signed by their health care provider. Exempted students shall be excluded from campus during a disease outbreak, should one occur.

Right to Revise

UMPI reserves the right to revise, amend, or change items set forth in this publication. Accordingly, readers of this publication should inquire about revisions, amendments, or changes which have been made since the date of printing. The University reserves the right to cancel course offerings, to set minimum and maximum class sizes, to change designated instructors in courses, and to make decisions affecting the academic standing of anyone participating in a course or program offered by UMPI. Notice of the cancellation will be issued before the course’s second class meeting.

Academic Advising

In order to assist students in achieving their educational goals, the University provides each student with both a faculty advisor and a professional advisor.

The faculty and professional staff who work as advisors assist students with advising and degree program questions, goal setting, course registration, referral to campus resources and other services designed to optimize the student’s academic experience and contribute to their success.

Professional advisors assist new matriculated students with initial registration and assign students to faculty advisors in their intended majors. Students must meet with their faculty advisors at least once each semester to register for the upcoming term; however, students are strongly encouraged to maintain close contact with their advisors throughout the semester. Advisors are available to assist students with all matters relating to their academic goals. It is also important for students to recognize their role in the advising relationship. Advisors cannot help students who do not seek out their advice. While it is important for students to realize that they are ultimately responsible for the successful pursuit of their degree requirements, the relationship they establish with their academic advisor can be invaluable in that effort.

Declaring a Major

Many students choose to begin their academic career as an undeclared major. Students may be advised by a faculty advisor in an area of interest while remaining officially undeclared and they will have the services of a professional advisor.

Undeclared students will be encouraged to explore their educational and career interests with the objective of choosing a major as soon as possible. Matriculated students are expected to declare a major prior to earning 60 degree hours.

Declaring a Minor

UMPI does not require students to complete a minor. However, a minor allows students to develop expertise in additional offerings within a discipline or outside of one’s declared major. Minors must be completed simultaneously with a major degree program. Students must be active in at least one major in order to pursue a minor, although multiple minors can be linked to the completion of a single major. Students must meet with their professional advisor to declare a minor before it will appear on their transcript. All minors must be declared prior to the awarding of the degree.

Credits Required

A minor requires at least 18 credit hours and a maximum of 24 credit hours. Students may select any minor in which at least 9 credit hours do not overlap with courses also required for the student’s major program in which the minor is being declared in conjunction or any certificate programs or other minors that the student has declared; i.e., at least 9 credit hours in the minor must be unique to it.

GPA Requirement

For a minor to be awarded, a minimum of an overall average of 2.25 GPA must be earned in all required courses.

Change of Major or Advisor

Students seek information about changing their major or advisor for a variety of reasons. The Professional Advisors will help students who simply wish to explore their options and will update the student’s official record when the decision to change has been made.

Registration for Matriculated Students

Each fall and spring an advisement and registration period is held for continuing students to select their courses for the following semester. During this period, students register for courses in the order of class level (seniors first, juniors second, sophomores third, freshmen fourth). Students are responsible for monitoring and for planning their schedule of courses according to the degree program requirements in place at the time of matriculation into their degree program.

Registration For Non-Matriculated Students

Individuals may take college courses for personal enrichment as non-degree students by registering and paying for the courses without going through a formal admission process.

Non-degree students may enroll in up to 9 credit hours of coursework. This credit hour limit does not apply to students who are matriculated at other institutions within the University of Maine System.

Course Numbering

Courses numbered between 100 and 299 are lower level courses. Courses numbered 300 and above are upper level courses.

Course Prerequisites

Please refer to each course in this catalogue for specific prerequisites.

Course Registration Changes

  • Course Add-Drop Period: During the first five days of the semester students may add course(s); during the first ten days of the semester students may drop course(s) without notation on the record. Students who find that their names are not on the instructor’s official class roster should check immediately with the Registrar’s Office to make necessary corrections in the registration records. Once registered, students may make changes to their registrations electronically.

    After the Add/Drop Period, students may request to withdraw from a class or classes or from the entire term and receive a notation of W on their record by completing the appropriate form prior to the deadline. The Last Day to Withdraw is published in the academic calendar and in MaineStreet. After the deadline and before the official Class End Date (published in MaineStreet), a student may request a notation of W in an individual class on the grounds of serious illness or proven extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor. After the published Class End Date, a student must appeal to the Academic Appeals Board for a notation of W (see Academic Appeal - Appeal of Grade ). All students leaving any class or the term without officially withdrawing will receive grades of F or L in their class(es). F or L grades earn 0.00 quality points and are calculated in the student’s grade point average. After the Last Day to Withdraw, grades of F are automatically assigned for all term withdrawals. Students withdrawing from the entire term after the deadline must appeal for notations of W to the Academic Appeals Board.

Course Waiver Policy

On rare occasions students at UMPI may be granted waivers for required courses based on extensive experience in a given area. The student must submit supporting documentation detailing his/ her previous applicable experience to the Chair of the College offering the course to be waived. The Provost has final approval authority.

Auditing Courses

Students auditing a course pay regular tuition and receive no credit for the course, but will have the notation AU recorded on their transcripts. Audit courses must be declared at registration.

Pass/Fail Option

Students may elect to take one course per semester on a pass/fail basis. Courses in the General Education Curriculum and courses required in the student’s major field are excluded from this option.

Students who are receiving Veterans Benefits should note that when taking the pass/fail option, a pass grade is required in order to receive Veterans Benefits. Should you receive a fail, you will be responsible to the Veterans Administration for an overpayment.

The pass/fail option must be requested during the first two weeks of the semester. At the end of the semester, students whose work in the course represents a C- or above will have an entry of P with the number of credit hours made on their official record. For work below a C-, an F entry will be made. Credit hours earned with a P grade will be counted toward degree credit. Courses taken under pass/fail option will not be used in computing the GPA.

Directed Study

A Directed Study is the offering of a catalogue course on an individual basis by an appropriate faculty member to a qualifying student. Directed Studies are available only on a limited basis, due to the burden they place upon the instructional staff.

A student may apply for a Directed Study when the following conditions are met: the student is a degree candidate at UMPI; the course is required for the student to complete degree requirements; the course will not be offered as a part of the regular curriculum in time to prevent a postponement of completion of degree requirements or there is a time conflict between two courses specifically required for the degree, neither of which may be postponed without a resultant delay in the completion of degree requirements; or, the student is a practicing teacher or career changer seeking a required course for certification purposes.

Courses at the 100 and 200 levels that satisfy core requirements and requirements in the major are not appropriate for Directed Study, since it is expected that students will complete them as freshmen or sophomores.

A Directed Study will also be considered on a case-by-case basis when the applicant is a practicing teacher or a graduate pursuing an alternative route to teacher certification who is in need of a required course. Career changers seeking initial teacher certification, practicing teachers who cannot find a required course offered after regular school hours, or teachers attempting to complete requirements for an additional endorsement may be eligible to apply.

Independent Study

Students at junior and senior level with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 or more may be eligible to earn a maximum of 9 credits in approved Independent Study (generally, no more than 3 credits per semester).

The student must consult with his/her faculty advisor, the instructor involved, and the Chair of the College. Following such consultation, the student submits a detailed proposal for a course of study; this proposal must be approved by the faculty advisor, instructor, the Chair of the student, and the Chair of the course. Credits earned through meaningful independent study will count toward graduation but should not duplicate a regular course offering or course(s) previously taken by that student. An Independent Study carries course number 397 or 497, depending on the level of the course.

An Independent Study will also be considered on a case-by-case basis when the applicant is a practicing teacher or a graduate pursuing an alternative route to teacher certification who is in need of a required course. Career changers seeking initial teacher certification, practicing teachers who cannot find a required course offered after regular school hours, or teachers attempting to complete requirements for an additional endorsement may be eligible to apply.

The complete proposal must be submitted no later than six weeks before the term in which the Independent Study is to be done. The student will be informed of its approval or disapproval within 30 days of its submission.

Special Topics Courses

Special Topics Courses are not included among regular academic courses. The topics will be determined by the special needs and interests of the students within the context of the qualifications and availability of faculty resources.

Student Class Level

Class level is determined by the number of credits completed at the University, including those accepted in transfer from other institutions.

Freshman: 0-23 earned credits
Sophomore: 24-53 earned credits
Junior: 54-83 earned credits
Senior: 84 + earned credits

The Grading System

The letter grades used by UMPI to evaluate scholastic achievement are interpreted as follows:

A High Honors
B Honors
C Average
NP not sufficiently proficient
F Failure
I Incomplete
L Stopped attending, computed as an F
P Passed, (grades A - C-)
W Withdrawal
MG Missing Grade
AU Audit

Incomplete Grade

An I (incomplete grade) means that, in consultation with the student, the instructor has postponed the assignment of a final grade to allow the student time to complete specific work not turned in before the end of the semester. Instructors assign the “I” grade only when they are persuaded that events beyond the student’s control prevented completion of assigned work on time, and when the student has completed a substantial amount of work, and when the student is already scoring at the 4 or 3 (proficiency) level regarding completed work. If the incomplete work is not submitted within the time allotted by the faculty member, the grade may automatically be changed to an “F” grade. Students receiving an “I” grade are not allowed to re-register for the same course until the incomplete has been made up or converted to an “F” grade. A student receiving an “I” grade may not make up missed work by sitting-in on the course the next time it is taught.

Upon selecting the “I” grade during the grade input process, the instructor will be prompted to provide information related to the incomplete grade including:

  1. A description of the assignment(s) needed to complete the course requirements and have the “I” replaced by a regular grade.
  2. The date by which work is to be completed. The time allowed for work to be completed is up to 140 days from the end of the semester in which the class was held. The “end of the semester” is defined as the final day that grades may be submitted. [Exceptions to this rule are rare and allowed only with the approval of the faculty member and the Registrar. The extension is not to exceed one year from the original end of the semester in which the course was taken.]
  3. The grade the student will earn if work not completed.

Once the grade is posted the details of the Incomplete Contract are available to the student in MaineStreet.

Not Proficient Grade

An NP grade (Not Proficient) means that, in consultation with the student, the instructor has postponed the assignment of a final grade to allow the student extra time to demonstrate proficiency (up to 45 days) beyond the end of the semester.

A contract must be created between the instructor and student in MaineStreet about how the student will meet proficiency.

Instructors assign the “NP” grade only when the student has completed a substantial amount of work and when the student is scoring at the 2 or 1 (not proficient) level regarding completed work. If the student is not proficient within the time allotted by the faculty member, the grade will automatically be changed to an “F” grade.

Students who have an NP grade in a course which is a pre-requisite to a course the student has pre-enrolled in for an upcoming semester will be dropped from the pre-enrolled course if the NP grade has not been changed to a passing grade prior to the first day of classes, irrespective of the contract deadline.

Once the grade is posted, the details of the Not Proficient Contract are available to the student in MaineStreet.

Incomplete Grades and Not Proficient Grades in Academic Standing

Students receiving a combination of I grades or NP grades whose term GPA does not meet the minimum required for good standing will also be subject to probation, suspension or dismissal according to the GPA criteria for each, irrespective of the deadlines allowed in the I or NP contracts.

For more information on the Scholastic Standards Policy, please see Scholastic Standards .

Grade Changes

Students with questions regarding the accuracy of a grade should contact the appropriate instructor for resolution. If a change of grade is justified, the instructor will forward a Change of Grade form to the Registrar’s Office. Grade changes will not be processed for students who are two semesters beyond separation from the course in which the grade was assigned or from the University, or for a student whose degree has been awarded.

Grade Warning Systems

The University has devised grade-warning systems to help contribute to a successful educational experience for students, particularly those who are having initial difficulties adjusting to the demands of their university experience.

The early warning systems are under-taken during the fourth, eighth and twelfth weeks of class for all courses.

Through these systems, students are alerted in a timely fashion so as to make adjustments before their academic records are affected.

Grade Point Average

Letter grades are assigned the following numerical values:

A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.67
B+ 3.33
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00
C- 1.67
F 0.00

To find the quality points earned in a course, multiply the numerical value of the course grade by the number of credit hours earned in each course. That is, a grade of B in a 3-semester hour course would be worth 3 x 3 or 9 quality points. To find the quality point average, total all the quality points earned and divide the sum by the total number of graded credit hours. Grades received for transfer credits do not earn quality points. Incompletes are not calculated in the GPA until a grade is assigned for the course. A grade of A+ is used to denote exceptional performance in a course, but has the same value in calculating GPA as a grade of A.

Grade Reports

A student’s academic performance is confidential information and written permission from the student is required to release information to individuals outside the administrative or academic community of UMPI.

Considerable care is taken to ensure that all course registration and grade information entered on a student’s permanent record is accurate. Records are assumed to be correct if a student does not report errors to the Registrar’s Office prior to the beginning of final examinations of the following semester, earlier if possible.


The valid documentation of academic work and student status is an official transcript of the academic record, stamped with the signature of the Registrar and embossed with the seal of the University. A signed transcript request is required before a transcript is released to the student or a designee, and there can be no outstanding obligations against the student’s account with the University. Such obligations may include unreturned books or fines due in the Library, overdue tuition or fees, unpaid parking fines, and delinquency in repayment of a National Direct Student Loan. UMPI no longer charges a transcript fee. No partial transcripts are issued.

Transcripts from other institutions, when presented for admission or evaluation, become a part of the student’s permanent academic file and are not returned or copied for distribution. Students desiring transcripts reflecting work attempted elsewhere should request them from the appropriate institution. ★